Thursday, December 22, 2022


"SELL MPHASIS FUT 2 LOTS ABOVE 1999 TARGET 1919/1849 SL 2119 "
Mphasis's sequential revenue growth trajectory in Q3 would be impacted by a lower number of working days, deferred spending, and continued mortgage weakness (an increase in US interest rates). The administration anticipates that Q4 development should be preferable over Q3 development.Openness of Mphasis to the loan fee delicate piece of the business is in a low single-digit level of income and the steady effect will be restricted. Mphasis, notwithstanding, has openness to home value advances and Home Value Credit extensions, which might go under pressure assuming home costs right sharpl. Mphasis is still confident that it will achieve an EBIT margin of 15-17% for FY23, but growth moderation will slow the rate of margin expansion. due to the revised forex assumption for H2FY23 and lower growth assumptions, we have revised our EPS estimates by 0.1% to minus 2.7% for FY23E-25E. Our goal has been pushed back to December 2024, and the target multiple has been reduced to 22x, taking growth moderation into account.

TARGET 4705/4615 SL 4945"
Investors have expressed primary concerns regarding Apollo Hospitals due to the delay in the company's fundraise as well as the increased competitive intensity for 24/7. Kotak said it agrees that Apollo Healthco needs to raise money to stop the core business from running out of cash. However, Apollo Hospital's fundamentals are still strong even without the money because of the strong free cash flow (FCF) generated by the hospital and offline pharmacy segments. The medium-term outlook for Apollo Hospitals remains positive, despite a 3Q that is expected to be seasonally weak. It builds in 330 bps hospital Ebitda margin expansion over FY2022-24E led by improved occupancy, a higher international patient mix, case mix, and ongoing cost savings, aided by improved profitability in both mature and new hospitals. Apollo Hospitals continues to experience strong demand tailwinds across all segments, and execution remains impressive. The hospital segment of APHS is trading at a 20-time implied valuation at CMP, which is lower than that of peers like Max Healthcare.
7772909587 / 8982012608

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